Welcome back to Member Spotlight where we introduce you to the personalities behind AIYA. This week, we introduce you to AIYA Links & Annual Officer, Jayne Fendyk!

What is your occupation/What do you study?

I’m recently graduated from the University of Melbourne with a Bachelor of Arts (Politics) and Diploma of Languages (Indonesian). I’m about to commence a graduate program with the Department of Education and Training’

Fun fact you would like to share with us?

On a family holiday of Vanuatu when I was 7, I tried to teach a French girl my age how to count to 10 in Indonesian. Considering she was already proficient in two languages, I don’t think she cared much for what I had to teach her.

What made you so interested in Australia/Indonesia?

I was fortunate that at both primary schools (One in Melbourne and the other in Ocean Grove, VIC), Indonesian was taught. However, I think my initial interest was really sparked from my Aunty and Uncle who had spent the late 1990’s teaching English in rural Indonesia. They were always telling me stories about their experience and teaching me new words that I would take with me to primary school.

What is your most memorable culture shock experience?

When I was living with a host family and attending an Indonesian school for two weeks in year 10, my Ibu very generously made me chocolate sprinkle sandwiches to take with me to school. It took me a few days to pluck up the courage and find the words in Indonesian to say that I actually wanted to eat the sate and nasi that was provided at the school canteen.

What is your favourite place to visit in Indonesia/Australia?

Yogyakarta – Indonesia.

Favourite meal in Indonesia/Australia?


How about your favourite word in Indonesian/English? 

Perpustakaan (Not least because I love a good library, but also anything with a double ‘a’ is so much fun to say)

Do you have a favourite Indonesian/Australian film?

“Ada apa dengan cinta?”

Any hopes for the bilateral relationship?

For Australia to realise that both countries ought to be much more than just “neighbours” and foster a strong friendship that goes beyond the politics of the day.

In your opinion, how is Youth like yourself take part in shaping Australia-Indonesia relationship?

I think YOUTH are increasingly part of the ‘soft diplomacy’ that can help bring the two countries together. Language exchanges at cool coffee shops and cooking classes, albeit simple activities, can be the building blocks of something bigger!

What was getting involved with AIYA like?

I just wanted to be involved in any way I could, and in so doing, I never thought my passion for all things Aus-Indo could stretch as far as it has.

What do you like most about AIYA?

The amazing people I’ve been able to meet all across Australia and Indonesia!

Sum up your experience as an AIYA member in three words!

Inspiring, fun & important!

How can we learn more and connect with you?

E – jayne.fendyk@aiya.org.au

Terima Kasih Jayne  for sharing with us your passions and insights into your personal experience. Stay tuned for AIYA Blog Updates for the upcoming personas under Member Spotlight!