AIYA Annual

AIYA Annual 2018 is here!
The AIYA Annual 2018 is a showcase of what YOU, our fabulous chapters and members, have been up to this past year! In 2018, we DOUBLED the number of AIYA events held across Australia and Indonesia chapters, reaffirming AIYA’s mission to connect, inform and inspire young people engaged in the bilateral relationship.
Year of issue 2018
No. of pages 52
About Publication
Now in its third year of publication, the AIYA Annual 2018 includes messages of support from Australia’s new Ambassador to Indonesia, Gary Quinlan, and Indonesia’s Ambassador to Australia, Kristiarto S. Legowo. It features updates from our twelve amazing chapters, who ran everything from film and cooking nights to careers events and scholarship information sessions. There’s also an update from the 4th annual NAILA initiative and a wrap up of AIYA’s involvement in this year’s AIBC Conference held on the Gold Coast!
Once again, this year’s AIYA Annual includes contributions from individual members. From a large number of submissions, we have selected three of the best pieces for your reading pleasure – a personal account of Dan Trevanion’s enriching experience on the Australia-Indonesia Youth Exchange Program (AIYEP), Rachmania Wardhani’s interview with the Vice President of BBBIQ – an organisation dedicated to reinvigorating Indonesian language learning in Queensland and Ilfi Reka Alfi Yarti Syabeh’s account of being a fresh graduate in Indonesia’s increasingly competitive labour market. We hope you enjoy their work.
We’d like to take this opportunity to thank all of our members and partners for their ongoing support of AIYA over the years. If you like what we do, please share this publication and spread the word about AIYA membership! We have a lot in store for 2019 and we cannot wait to share our new activities and initiatives with you.
The AIYA Annual celebrates everything AIYA has achieved in the past year, and we encourage you to take a look (you never know – you might see your face!).
Happy reading!