
With the capital city of Jakarta being the center for business for the country, it was an easy decision to establish a Chapter in the special province in 2012 as there are plenty of opportunities for networking and engaging with key Australian organisations. AIYA Jakarta was AIYA’s first Indonesian Chapter and provides its members with exciting events to learn about Indonesia’s southern neighbour. To stay up to date with the Chapter and hear about exciting upcoming events, follow them on their social media:

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Committee Members

Meet Akbar, the dynamic President of AIYA Jakarta! By day, he’s a corporate communications professional based in South Jakarta, but when he’s off the clock, you’ll find him diving into a variety of sports like running, swimming, softball, AFL, and rugby. Akbar is always up for a challenge and loves staying active. When it comes to food, nothing beats his comfort food, Yess, Nasi Padang! Fun fact: if you ever need a sports buddy or food recommendations, Akbar’s your go-to guy!

Muhammad Akbar Priandanu
Chapter President

It's Reno, our VP at AIYA Jakarta! As someone who cares for the environment, he loves to use public transport to reach places. By involved in AIYA, he's keen to strengthen cultural and economic partnerships between Australia & Indonesia. He's interested to visit hidden gem places in Jakarta, especially place offering good food with good price. Feel free to drop him some info about your fav places!

Reno Manggalajati Athallah

Vice President

Layla is an emerging professional with a strong focus on international affairs, psychology, and physics. She is the Chapter Secretary, previously served as Event Officer, for the Australia-Indonesia Youth Association (AIYA) Jakarta Chapter. A matcha lover, Layla shares her passion for the green tea treat on an Instagram account named @sakurasmatchabar. Outside of her academic and professional pursuits, she loves cooking and baking for her loved ones, particularly delighting them with her homemade tiramisu. Layla is also an avid fan of The Weeknd and enjoys reading philosophy books and crime fiction in her free time.

Layla Miryam Faiza


Meet Fara, our ever-curious Treasurer at AIYA Jakarta! She bridges diverse Indonesian youth as part of her work at peacebuilding INGO. When she's not bridging cultures, you can find her immersed in films or exploring new destinations solo. Fun fact: In 2024, she had a cinematic dream come true when she met her favourite Indonesian directors, Wregas Bhanuteja and Riri Riza. ✨

Fara Shabira Arrasya


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