Study and Career pathways
Scholarships for Australians
Undergraduate Scholarships
The New Colombo Plan (NCP) is a signature initiative of the Australian Government which aims to lift knowledge of the Indo Pacific in Australia by supporting Australian undergraduates to study and undertake internships in the region.
It encourages a greater two-way flow of students between Australia and the rest of our region, complementing the thousands of students from the region coming to Australia to study each year. Over time, the Australian Government wants to see study in the Indo-Pacific become a rite of passage for Australian undergraduate students, and an endeavour that is highly valued across the Australian community.
The program commenced in 2014 and in the first four years is already supporting more than 17,000 Australian undergraduates to study in the Indo-Pacific. Over 3,000 of these students are undertaking NCP study experiences in Indonesia.
Walter Mangold Trust Fund grants are available to study Indonesian language in country. Study Abroad scholarships are offered to full-time, advanced tertiary students (resident in Victoria) who travel overseas to study a designated language at an approved university for a period of between three months (minimum duration) and one year. The grants are worth between $5,000 and $20,000.
Only Australian higher education providers are eligible to apply for funding for international student exchange programs under the Endeavour Scholarships program. Students (Australian and international) wishing to apply for student subsidies available under these international student exchange programmes should contact the International/Student Abroad Office of their institution.
There is a program called the Endeavour Student Exchange Program for Australian undergraduates to study in Asian countries, including Indonesia. Eligible student exchanges include provision for tuition fee waiver and credit transfer. Australian higher education institutions receive A$5,000 (excluding GST) per exchange student to subsidise the cost of that student’s participation in an eligible student exchange.
Ask your local university for information if they have received these funds.
Postgraduate Scholarships
The Endeavour Scholarships and Fellowships aim to build Australia’s reputation for excellence in the provision of education and research, support the internationalisation of the Australian higher education and research sectors and offer high-achieving individuals from overseas and Australia opportunities to increase their productivity and expertise in their field. Endeavour Research Fellowship.
For more information about the details of these scholarships, please click here.
Socio-Cultural Scholarships
- AIA Commbank Scholarship
- Australia Indonesia Youth Exchange Program
- Darmasiswa Scholarship
- Hamer Scholarship
The Australia Indonesia Association of NSW (AIA) offers 2 scholarships to NSW high school students each year for an intensive 2-week Indonesian language course. The course includes daily tuition and real life tasks to practice what has been taught. It is held in Yogyakarta, Central Java, and is delivered by Indonesian teacher, Tata Survi, through AIA Victoria’s IndoAustay program. Course materials are aligned with the Australian and International Baccalaureate curriculum.
The Australia-Indonesia Institute (AII) invites applications from young Australians aged between 21 and 25 years (at the time of departure to Indonesia), willing to represent Australia for two months in Indonesia.
Darmasiswa is a non-degree scholarship program offered to those who wish to pursue study of Indonesian language, arts, music and crafts. Participants can choose one of 44 different universities located in different cities in Indonesia. Applicants must be 35 years of age or under.
The Victorian Government Hamer Scholarships Program is a language and cultural immersion program designed to build the Asia-engagement capabilities of Victorians and to help strengthen cultural awareness and partnerships between Victoria and Asia. The program provides scholarships for Victorians to undertake intensive language study at nominated universities or institutions in China, Indonesia, Japan and Korea. The Hamer Scholarships program provides $10,000 each for China or Indonesia, or $15,000 each for Japan or Korea.
Scholarships for Indonesian
Beasiswa Pemerintah Australia
Beasiswa Australia Awards merupakan beasiswa internasional yang bergengsi yang didanai oleh Pemerintah Australia. Beasiswa ini menawarkan kesempatan besar bagi para penerima untuk melakukan studi, penelitian dan pengembangan profesional di Australia.
Australia Awards di Indonesia menawarkan dua jenis beasiswa: program pascasarjana (Long Term Awards) dan kursus singkat yang intensif (Short Term Awards). Penerima beasiswa untuk ‘Long Term Awards’ akan mendapatkan:
- Pelatihan sebelum keberangkatan di Indonesia (PDT);
- Tiket pesawat pulang pergi ke lokasi PDT di Indonesia;
- Uang saku selama di Indonesia dan Australia;
- Biaya kuliah;
- Bantuan untuk biaya hidup;
- Pengantar Program Akademik dan Dukungan akademis tambahan
- Asuransi Kesehatan selama periode beasiswa
- Tunjangan kerja lapangan – untuk program riset dan master dimana kerja lapangan merupakan komponen wajib dalam penelitian.
Program Beasiswa Riset Pascasarjana Internasional (IPRS/International Postgraduate Research Scholarships) berfokus pada peningkatan kualitas riset Australia. Bila Anda telah mempunyai kualifikasi sarjana, beasiswa IPRS memungkinkan Anda untuk studi di Australia dengan beberapa peneliti terbaik di bidang Anda. Baca lebih lanjut di situs web Departemen Inovasi.
Endeavour Postgraduate Scholarships for International Students berfokus pada memberikan kesempatan pada mahasiswa internasional untuk belajar, meneliti atau memperbaiki kepandaian di Australia. Baca lebih lanjut di situs web Departmen Pendidikan.
Australia-Indonesia Institute bekerjasama dengan Universitas Paramadina mengadakan program tahunan Pertukaran Tokoh Muslim Muda antara Indonesia dan Australia. Program ini berupa kunjungan selama dua minggu ke Australia dimana para tokoh/aktivis muslim muda antara kedua negara dapat bertukar pikiran dan meningkatkan saling pengertian akan peranan agama di negara masing-masing.
Syarat-syarat pendaftaran: Pria (min. 23 tahun, max. 40 tahun) dan Wanita (min. 23 tahun, max. 45 tahun), mampu berpartisipasi aktif di dalam diskusi berbahasa Inggris, memiliki nilai TOEFL min.450 diutamakan di atas 500 dan mengisi formulir pendaftaran yang dilengkapi dengan dokumen penunjang. Formulir pendaftaran dan keterangan lebih lanjut dapat diperoleh di atau atau email kepada [email protected].
Beasiswa Pemerintah Indonesia
Layanan Beasiswa diperuntukkan kepada pemuda pemudi terbaik Indonesia untuk mengambil S2 atau S3 di universitas di luar negeri, termasuk Australia. Namun demikian beasiswa ini menjadikan wilayah, strata sosial, dan gender sebagai pertimbangan bagi penerimanya.
Besaran Beasiswa diupayakan mencukupi kebutuhan penerima beasiswa selama menjalani studi. Dengan demikian, penerima beasiswa dapat berprestasi.
Penerima Beasiswa adalah seluruh pemuda-pemudi yang berkewarganegaraan Indonesia yang memiliki prestasi akademis di jenjang pendidikan sebelumnya. Disamping itu, penerima beasiswajuga diharapkan memiliki jiwa kepemimpinan dan mempunyai komitmen untuk berkontribusi bagi Indonesia.