“Aussie interns fail to take up visas” — The Australian, September 2013
AIYA New South Wales’ recent work and holiday visa information session, was covered by Bernard Lane in this morning’s Australian:
THE release of figures that show a mere handful of young Australians going to Indonesia on a new “work and holiday” visa has highlighted the obstacles facing the government’s ambitious plan to send large numbers of student-interns abroad.
At Thursday night’s seminar, run by the consulate and the professional group the Australia-Indonesia Youth Association, immigration attache Haryono Agus said part of the problem was that not all Indonesian officials were familiar with the new visa scheme.
Law graduate Nicholas Mark, president of the NSW branch of AIYA, said the fact the seminar took place, together with the recent increase in visa grants, was a signal things were getting better.
“The bureaucracy is inevitably difficult in a big and complicated country such as Indonesia. That it’s improving is definitely a breakthrough,” he said.
Read the full article, including quotes from the Indonesia Institute‘s Ross Taylor, at the Australian’s website (account required).