AIYA Links: election special
Above: presumptive winner Joko Widodo greets supporters at a victory celebration at the Proclamation Monument in Jakarta on Wednesday evening. Photo by @gammonator
The people’s choice
- Reliable quick counts and expert opinion have it that Jakarta governor Joko Widodo has won Wednesday’s presidential election and will replace Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono as president in October.
- As usual, Twitter was the place to be on the big day—AIYA’s @timothypgraham has a fantastic wrap-up of how it all panned out on social media.
- The Lowy Institute’s @catriona_cc has some photos of voting in Jakarta, while ANU’s Angie Bexley captured the scene in Yogya.
- Well, this is awkward: the Prabowo-Hatta campaign is refusing to concede defeat and claim their numbers show a Prabowo win, reports @MBachelard.
- Lowy’s Indonesia analyst @ConnellyAL says that Prabowo’s refusal to concede raises the prospect of weeks or months of uncertainty.
- ANU’s @EdwardAspinall and @Marcus Mietzner don’t hold back, accusing Prabowo of trying to sow confusion as part of an attempt to ‘steal’ the election.
- Melbourne University’s @_DaveMcRae_ takes a look back at the campaign to explain why the election was so close.
- The Australian government is understandably not taking sides, with PM Abbott telling Fairfax that we’re happy to work with both potential presidents.
Special offer
- AIYA members can purchase veteran Asia correspondent Hamish McDonald’s new book Demokrasi: Indonesia in the 21st Century at a special price until 16 July.