AIYA Links, 25 July: welcoming President Jokowi
Indonesia’s General Elections Commission (KPU) has finished counting all the votes from 9 July’s presidential election, and declared Joko Widodo and Jusuf Kalla as President and Vice President-elect. Congratulations, Pak.
In the news
- Tony Abbott is among the world leaders who has contacted Jokowi to congratulate him on his win. See the PM’s statement here.
- The Prabowo Subianto team still isn’t conceding, alleging massive fraud and promising to challenge the election in court. Former judges tell the Jakarta Post that it’s unlikely the result will change.
- Reuters takes a look at what comes next for Prabowo and his allies.
- @MBachelard writes about the frisson of optimism about politics that has accompanied Jokowi’s win.
- The World Bank’s latest Indonesia Economic Quarterly highlights the ‘hard choices’ Jokowi and his team need to make to avoid the middle income trap.
- Jokowi tells @BenjaminBland that his economic priorities are reforming fuel subsidies and cutting red tape.
- ABC radio speaks to experts about what a Jokowi presidency might mean for Australia-Indonesia trade.
- ANU’s @EdwardAspinall and @MarcusMietzner say the results are a boost to Indonesian democracy.
Odds and ends
- The Guardian features another positive review of @ElizabethPisani‘s new book, Indonesia etc.
- ‘Work and the Jakarta Woman’: @MonkeeNoodles (aka Fedina Sundaryani) on the challenges of being a female professional in Indonesia.
- Has your maid left town for Idulfitri celebrations? Can’t bear the thought of doing your own chores? Well, make like a lot of well-heeled Jakartans and check in to a hotel for a few days.
Events & opportunities
- CAUSINDY: we’ve snapped up Jim Della-Giacoma to speak on defence and security issues at the conference, which will also feature a ‘John vs John’ debate on doing business in Australia and Indonesia with John Riady and John Denton.
- Canberra, 29 July: ASPI has put together a top notch panel of Indonesia experts to speak about the political and strategic implications of the 2014 elections—all the details here.
Photo above: The Straits Times