AIYA Links: Selamat Natal
In the news
- The Rupiah sunk to its lowest value against the US Dollar since the 1998 financial crisis this week.
- The World Bank’s latest report on the Indonesian economy says that boosting government revenue is a priority for 2015.
- @YohanesSulaiman argues the president’s enthusiasm for the death penalty is political.
- Indonesia’s ambitious new public health insurance system is running out of money.
- The Diplomat reports on questions about Indonesia’s place in ASEAN under Jokowi.
- Inside Indonesia has two great reviews of new documentaries: Bitter Honey by Robert Lemeison and Jalanan by Daniel Ziv.
At the AIYA Blog
- Clarissa Tanurahardja chats to two young Indonesians about their ‘second home’ in Australia.
Selamat Jalan, Pak Dubes
- AIYA would like to extend our thanks and good wishes to Ambassador Greg Moriarty, who’ll soon wrap up his time representing Australia in Jakarta. He’s been a great supporter of building links between Indonesian and Australian youth—and we hope his successor continues the great tradition of Twitter diplomacy over at @DubesAustralia!
Events and opportunities
- At the AIYA Job Board: the University of Melbourne is seeking a part-time editor for the new Indonesia@Melbourne blog.