AIYA Links: 27 March
In the news
- Indonesia signals its eagerness to play a major role in China’s new infrastructure bank as President Jokowi focuses on trade and investment during his visit to Japan and the PRC.
- A WSJ op-ed critiques superstar minister Susi Pudjiastuti’s tough policies on illegal fishing.
- Inside Indonesia interviews Joshua Oppenheimer about his haunting documentaries about anti-communist massacres.
- Meet the central bank official tasked with driving A$500,000 in cash to the remotest corner of Kalimantan.
- Longread: ANU’s Marcus Mietzner on what Jokowi’s populism says about the state of Indonesian democracy.
On the AIYA Blog
- AIYEPer Alex Murfett on cultural immersion and learning Bahasa Indonesia by accident.
- Clarissa Tanurahardja on President Jokowi’s ‘maritime axis’ vision for Indonesia.
Events & opportunities
- Lead AIYA in the Territory: AIYA’s NT Chapter is seeking applicants for the position of Chapter President.
- Communications roles at Australian Embassy, Jakarta: the Australian Embassy is advertising locally engaged positions in media liaison and social media management.
- Sydney, 2 April: AIYA NSW hosts Jim Della-Giacoma (@jimdella) as part of its Cas Cis Cus conversation series.