AIYA Links: 4 December
In the news
- The National Australia Indonesia Language Awards (NAILA) were praised in a Jakarta Post op-ed as part of efforts to reboot Indonesia literacy down under.
- ‘The Paradox of Proximity’—read what Shadow Treasurer Chris Bowen had to say about the people-to-people relationship at NAILA.
- New York Times: Indonesians are captivated by a scandal involving the parliament’s speaker, an American mining company, and an explosive tape recording.
- At Inside Indonesia, a look at the scramble for candidates to recruit pop stars during the 2014 election campaign.
- New plans will see Indonesian universities teach party in English to promote graduates’ international competitiveness.
At the AIYA Blog
“Ashmore Reef, nelyanan Rote, dan masalah pelintas batas perairan Indonesia-Australia” oleh Noor Fatia Lastika Sari.
Events & opportunities
- Intern at the Lowy Institute: Australia’s premier foreign affairs think tank is looking for a capable part-time intern at its East Asia Program—details at the AIYA Job Board.