AIYA Links: 6 May
Join a network of young leaders that crosses borders. Applications to join this year’s Conference of Australian and Indonesian Youth in Bali are now open.
Who are we?
- Want to tell friends about getting involved with AIYA? We’ve got a helpful video introducing the opportunities AIYA membership offers.
In the news
- The Australian Financial Review reports that special economic zones are part of renewed Australia-Indonesia trade talks.
- A brutal crime has horrified Indonesia and prompted discussions about attitudes to sexual violence.
- The New York Times looks at the anti-tobacco activists taking on Indonesia’s booming cigarette industry.
- Disturbing facts about aviation safety in Indonesia were highlighted on ABC TV this week.
- The founder of one of Jakarta’s biggest hospitality success stories, the Ismaya Group, meets the Financial Times.
- Longread: @EvanLaksmana looks at the part Indonesia plays in Australia’s 2016 Defence White Paper.
At the AIYA Blog
- Michael Reardon reviews Filosofi Kopi, Indonesian cinema’s latest critical hit.
Events & opportunities
- ACICIS Semester Programs application deadlines have been extended. Check out the ACICIS website for full details and forms.