AIYA Links: 23 June
Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri, Mohon Maaf Lahir dan Batin. AIYA wishes all that celebrate a happy and safe Idul Fitri.
In the news
- Nearly 30 million Indonesians are expected to travel over the Idul Fitri holiday.
- A review of the 2003 anti-terror bill is currently before the Indonesian parliament. Under the new laws authorities could jail for up to 15 years citizens returning to Indonesia after joining militant groups abroad.
- A joint parliamentary committee in Australia has concluded that more effort is needed to entice Australian business to Indonesia and portray it as a growing economic powerhouse.
- Facebook has received an in-principle approval to set up a domestic unit in Indonesia.
- Follow the story of saving and preserving recordings of gamelan from Bali, originally captured in 1928.
Apply for NAILA
Apply today for NAILA 2017 – applications open now for a wide range of categories, including the new categories of a Junior Executive Award, Senior Executive Award, and the Teacher’s Award.
- Sydney, 28 June – Join the Sydney launch of Asia Society’s ‘Disruptive Asia‘ publication.
- Adelaide, 29 June – Grab a coffee, meet new people and practice your language skills at AIYA South Australia’s monthly language exchange.
- Melbourne, 30 June – Asia Society’s launch of the ‘Disruptive Asia‘ publication comes to Melbourne too.
- Join the NAILA committee! There are several available positions at the moment to become part of Australia’s largest Bahasa Indonesia language competition whilst developing your leadership and organisational skills.
- Based in South Australia? Become part of the next AIYA South Australia Chapter Executive
- Do you use dwibahasa on social media? An AIYA Masters student is looking for participants in a study investigating language behaviours of using Indonesian and English on social media. To get more information check here or email [email protected].
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