Welcome back to Member Spotlight where we introduce you to the personalities behind AIYA. This week, we introduce you to AIYA Tasmania President, Brolin!


  What is your occupation/What do you study?Working casually, studied philosophy and Indonesian.    

What made you so interested in Australia/Indonesia?I decided on a whim to go on exchange to Lombok in 2014 – I had no idea about Indonesia before this! I loved it so much I kept coming back.    

What is your most memorable culture shock experience?Probably riding in a bemo for the first time in Lombok. I am definitely a little too tall for bemos, but I still live riding in them.    What is your favourite place to visit in Indonesia/Australia?I really enjoyed Sumba when I went there, and hope to go back again! But my overall favourite place is Yogyakarta, as it feels like a second home after living and studying there for a year. My favourite place in Australia is definitely the national parks in Tasmania (I know, kind of cheating since it’s multiple places!).    Favourite meal in Indonesia/Australia?I love tempe! Anything with tempe involved and I’m happy – so let’s say nasi sayur with tempe and lots of sambal. In Aus it is very difficult to pick a favourite! I love the variety we have here, so it probably wouldn’t be a traditionally Australian meal.    How about your favourite word in Indonesian/English?Astaga is a great word. It is very fun to say!    Do you have a favourite Indonesian/Australian film?Probably The Raid – it is a great film!    How did you first become interested in Indonesia/Australia?By going on exchange to Lombok!    Any hopes for the bilateral relationship?I would love for it to improve of course! I think there is a great opportunity for more cooperation on a number of fronts between Australia and Indonesia.    In your opinion, how is Youth like yourself take part in shaping Australia-Indonesia relationship?Making people to people connections is a fantastic way to improve bilateral relations.    What was getting involved with AIYA like?Honestly, it took a lot of nudging from friends before I got involved. Since then it has been great to put effort into something I’m passionate about.    What do you like most about AIYA?The grass-roots level of it. It feels very community and people oriented which is great.    Sum up your experience as an AIYA member in three words!Fun, challenging, rewarding       Terima Kasih Bolin for sharing with us your passions and insights into your personal experience. Stay tuned for AIYA Blog Updates for the upcoming personas under Member Spotlight!