Welcome back to Member Spotlight where we introduce you to the personalities behind AIYA. This week, we introduce you to AIYA’s Communications Officer #1 Jakarta Chapter, Alya Jihan!
What is your occupation/What do you study?
Private Employee / Law Degree (second year)
Fun fact you would like to share with us?
I love Javanese culture so much, proud to be a Javanese. I love writing in Javanese alphabet and speak Javanese at times possible
What made you so interested in Australia/Indonesia?
Australia is nearest continent to our country, and they are rich of culture and diversity. They also have koalas, kangaroos, Tasmanian devil etc as their identity which made the main attraction point to us (since Indonesia originally don’t have them). The bilateral relations that has been happened between both countries brought us so many opportunities mainly for Indonesians, because we can get so much benefit from Australia as they are such a developed country
What is your most memorable culture shock experience?
Vegemite. It tastes weird at first but now i cant get over it!
What is your favourite place to visit in Indonesia/Australia?
I love Solo. My parents lived there and the city is so rich of culture. No wonder my Javanese is really thick in me cause my big family affects me so much on the daily. For Australia, its Melbourne. It is so diverse over there and I love the bipolar weather. Also planning to get into Deakin someday inshaAllah
Favourite meal in Indonesia/Australia?
Nasi goreng
How about your favourite word in Indonesian/English?
Favourite Indonesian word for me is mantul (mantap betul). English : brekkie hahah it still got me giggle when i say brekkie, weird but simple
Do you have a favourite Indonesian/Australian film?
Laskar Pelangi
Any hopes for the bilateral relationship?
More opportunities shall be open for youth and job seeker and cultural exchange
In your opinion, how is Youth like yourself take part in shaping Australia-Indonesia relationship?
Youth is the future. Our generation nowadays has better opportunity in shaping the future and by taking part in AIYA, we can contribute our better ideas with the events. So many times I got involved in conversation which talking about the challenge we face and so many turnouts has happened!
What was getting involved with AIYA like?
It is fun, and always come up with better innovation each day!
What do you like most about AIYA?
The people at AIYA that always warm and caring to each other also always share ideas!
Sum up your experience as an AIYA member in three words!
Fresh, fun and mantul!
How can we learn more and connect with you?
You can connect me via
Terima Kasih Alya for sharing with us your passions and insights into your personal experience. Stay tuned for AIYA Blog Updates for the upcoming personas under Member Spotlight!