Talking about Scholarship, Youtube and Travelling with Seluz Fahik
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Continuing education abroad is the dream of many people. But to reach that dream is not easy. Interested people have to do a lot of preparation, starting from the IELTS test, applying to the destination college and scholarship.
On this occasion AIYA National successfully interviewed Seluz Fahik, a man from East Nusa Tenggara who is an alumni from the University of Melbourne, Australia and currently works as a Data Support Assistant at the Australia Awards in Indonesia (AAI). Through his social media, Seluz is very active in sharing information about scholarships abroad in full from the preparation stage to the lecture process there.
Since 2017, Seluz has formed a community called Let’s Talk which focuses on education, specifically information about scholarships abroad. This community was originally formed as a forum for learning English through face to face between members, Over time, this community decided to open an online class whose contents are various activities, including speaking IELTS class for people who are interested in continuing their education abroad. This idea was formed because Seluz was frequently questioned regarding preparations to study abroad, applying for scholarships to the living costs needed while studying in Australia. Therefore he decided to make a video that answers these questions which he uploaded to his personal youtube channel.
Seluz youtube video about scholarships
“My main reason for creating content related to scholarships and studying abroad is for the media to share and share information with friends who often ask me about scholarship opportunities, preparation for study abroad and study experience in Australia. I think that by creating content on my personal IG (Instagram) and also by creating a YouTube channel, I can reach out to many people who might be in need of information related to scholarships. They can access the content many times when they need it. I took the initiative to mentor the preparation of speaking in IELTS because I feel speaking is an area that is still a challenge for many of my friends who want to continue their studies abroad. ”
This community under the supervision of Seluz has held several online mentoring sessions. The inaugural event was opened for four people, but because there were many interested people, this class had to open additional classes. Having become a mathematics teacher at an international school in Kupang, Seluz has the provision to communicate various things that he understands to others. His teaching ability is also very supportive of his current work of processing data and translating it in languages that are understood by everyone.
The man who is also active as a Social Media Editor in the NTT Muda community also shared his experiences while studying in Australia. According to him, there were many differences that he felt during the lecture process. One of them is the culture of asking questions and discussion in class.
“The first thing that was enough to make me shock culture was more into academic culture while studying there. For example, in Indonesia, when we want to ask questions or want to submit an opinion while the lecture is going on, we usually raise our hands first, before being given the opportunity to ask questions or talk. Well, in my first class while studying there, it turns out that when there is a discussion, one does not need to raise a hand first. I remember that time, my classmate spoke without asking permission, immediately jumped into the discussion. In addition, also in terms of dressing on campus. In Indonesia, if you go to campus, students must dress neatly, such as collared shirts, shoes and trousers, while in Australia students are free to dress, such as in shorts or in shirts and may wear sandals. Another thing that makes me quite shocked, but more like in a good way, is the way the lecturer treats his students. I feel like there is no gap between me and the professors at the Graduate School of Mathematics and Statistics. Once upon a time, my supervisor lectured late in responding to my email, only 5 minutes, but he repeatedly apologized in the email he sent. I feel the lecturers there are very low profile and encourage students to advance.”
Making traveling as a hobby, for Seluz this is a fun activity because you can get to know yourself and practice to deal with situations beyond your expectations. Traveling also helps him communicate with other people from different cultural and linguistic backgrounds.
Regarding Australia as his second home, Seluz hopes that the relationship between Indonesia and the Kangaroo country can continue to be well established in any case. Bilateral relations between the two countries can be strengthened well through connections between alumni who have lived and attended school in Australia to the G to G relationship in the fields of education and culture of the two countries. Seluz also said that there are no dreams that cannot be pursued. All young people must take part in change. If you want something then do it wholeheartedly and be followed by effort and hard work.
“I always believe in the art of timing. When it fails at something, it does not mean we are incompetent and cannot. Maybe the timing just isn’t right yet. So for young friends out there, if you have a dream to continue studying abroad, or have certain targets, start moving from now on. Ten thousand steps always starts from one step, right?” he said.
He invites young people to start moving and explore all recources that can be used, for example expanding social networks with other friends through volunteering activities, organizations or other beneficial activities.
Thank you Seluz Fahik for sharing stories with AIYA National. Hopefully today’s story can inspire all readers.