Faith meets fashion: ‘Hijab Style’
Molly Rydon, our South Australia chapter President, passed on this documentary by anak ACICIS Elise Young about ‘hijab style’ in Indonesia. Many of us will have noticed the colourful shops and stalls in Indonesia selling jilbab and hijabs for fashion-conscious Muslim women – yet, as the film notes, the same garment often elicits a different response in Western countries like Australia.
Elise’s documentary takes a closer look:
For Indonesian speakers, the Australian Embassy’s Radio Kookaburra program also interviewed her about the film.
ELISE YOUNG: A lot of the Hijabbers I talked to said that they couldn’t wait for ten ….
TERJEMAHAN: Banyak di antara para pemakai Jilbab yang saya ajak bicara mengatakan bahwa mereka tidak bisa menunggu waktu sepuluh tahun untuk menyaksikan jilbab tampil di panggung busana di Perancis yang sangat terkenal Chanel (sh-nl).