AIYA Links for 1 March, 2013
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- Endy Bayuni argues in the Jakarta Post that Indonesia is ‘a story waiting to be told‘.
- If elected, the Liberals would send students to Jakarta under ‘new Colombo Plan’ scholarships in its first year of government. With visa troubles in mind, though, some aren’t so sure.
- Inside Indonesia this week profiles Rhoma Irama, Indonesia’s ‘king of dangdut‘.
- Also in the Australian, Bernard Lane writes about his experience studying in Yogyakarta during the ‘Australian season’.
- Radio National’s Saturday Extra program kicked off a new series on Indonesia last weekend. On last week’s program, Geraldine Doogue interviewed Edward Aspinal and Anies Baswedan.
- Indonesia’s concert business is booming.
- An opinion piece in the Guardian asks whether Bahasa Indonesia is too ubiquitous in Indonesian schools. Al Jazeera’s 101 East story on the Indonesian education system is also now available to stream.
- Is Indonesia locking foreign businesses out of its consumer boom?
- A short documentary by ACICIS student Elise Young about ‘hijab style’ in Indonesia: faith meets fashion.
- Applications are open until May 1 for ACICIS study programs in semester 2, 2013.
In AIYA news, be sure to check out this blog post by our WA Chapter President Natrisha Barnett about her experience with AIYEP.