AIYA Links for 5 April, 2013
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- The New York Times covers the ongoing corruption scandal within SBY’s Democratic Party.
- Anti-corruption activists in Indonesia are running a public donation campaign in support of the KPK.
- Writing for the ASPI’s Strategist blog, Gary Hogan argues that the TNI’s reform efforts deserve more credit.
- The Christian Science Monitor‘s Dan Murphy reflects on the growing optimism of investment bankers towards southeast Asian economies.
- Despite the best efforts of conservative groups, Indonesia’s punk scene is alive and well.
- The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade is looking for submissions into its country strategies following the Australia in the Asian Century white paper. We’ll have more on this soon – but you can see the guidelines for submissions on their website.
- Australia announces the Soesastro Prize.
- Radio National’s 360 documentaries series looks at crime and punishment in Jakarta.
Events and opportunities:
- Adelaide’s Indofest is coming up next week! AIYA’s South Australian chapter will have a presence; be sure to check out the full program on their website.
- Inside Indonesia are running a photography competition: to enter, see their website.
Dalam bahasa Indonesia..
- Menteri luar negeri Bob Carr mengumumkan dukungan baru untuk mengatasi kemiskinan di Indonesia.
- Baik Australia maupun Indonesia khawatir peningkatan persenjataan global.