AIYA Links for 3 May, 2013
- ANU academic Ramesh Thakur looks at our bilateral relationship with Indonesia. In the Jakarta Post, Ratih Hardjono takes an equally thorough look.
- In the New York Times, more coverage of the Lion Air crash, and an interesting story on Indonesia’s growing tourism industry.
- Chris Barnes, the Vice President of the AIBC: Australian and Indonesian companies are overlooking shared opportunities.
- The Indonesia Institute’s Ross Taylor says we’re missing the boat on agricultural trade with Indonesia.
- In just a few weeks, SBY has already picked up 1.7 million followers on Twitter.
- The ABC has been running extensive coverage of the Malaysian general election through its Australia Network News site.
- A Pew survey suggests that 70% of Indonesia’s Muslims favour sharia law.
- 910,000 Australians visited Indonesia in 2012.
- Al Jazeera’s Step Vaessen reports on a program giving slum dwellers the opportunity to move into apartments.
In AIYA news..
- We’ve published a new career champions profile of Joel Backwell, an assistant trade commissioner.