AIYA Links: 20 September
In the news
- ‘Antipathy to [Australia’s plans to tackle people smuggling] exists across Indonesia’s political spectrum’, says Fairfax’s Michael Bachelard (@mbachelard).
- Former country music star and DPR Komisi I (defence, intelligence and foreign affairs) member Tantowi Yahya appeared on Lateline this week to discuss the issue.
- Colin Brown from Griffith University’s Asia Institute (@GAIGriffith) has a piece at The Conversation analysing the response to the new Abbott government in Indonesia.
- Our new Minister for Foreign Affairs, Julie Bishop, (@JulieBishopMP) announced the confirmation of Australia’s first resident Ambassador to ASEAN, who takes up his post in Jakarta today.
- Ms Bishop also caught up with Indonesian Ambassador Nadjib Riphat Kesoema yesterday.
- The US Federal Reserve’s decision to continue its monetary stimulus gave a big boost to Indonesian financial markets on Thursday.
- Indonesia’s foreign investment agency has a well-respected new chief, and the Wall Street Journal explains why he has his work cut out for him.
- The Financial Times’ Ben Bland (@benjaminbland) reports that the Jakarta-Singapore air route is still booming, a sign of the economic significance the two cities to each other.
- Andy Fuller writes in Inside Indonesia about the seemingly ever-present nostalgia for Soeharto.
- As the Australian National University’s Indonesia Update kicks off, ANU economist Hal Hill looks at how Indonesia is being transformed by political decentralisation—the theme of this year’s conference.
- President Yudhoyono’s Democrat Party will send those seeking its 2014 presidential nomination on an 8-month ‘American Idol-style’ national tour as part of its selection process, reports Bloomberg.
- The Australian Strategic Policy Institute’s Natalie Sambhi (@SecurityScholar) has a very informative post about Indonesia’s global peacekeeping operations at the ASPI Strategist blog.
Jobs and events
- We’ve previously promoted the Asialink Leader’s Program, which you should definitely take a look at. Asialink are now looking to hire a Manager of the Leader’s Program. Details at the AIYA Job Board.
- The Australia-Indonesia Youth Exchange Program is seeking families in Kiama to host Indonesian students on a short-term basis. Click here for full details and information on how to get in touch with AIYEP organisers. Please pass along to anybody you know in the area—any help will be much appreciated!
- Canberra, 23 September, 14:00: the ANU will host a forum entitled ‘The Abbott era of Australia-Indonesia relations: Asylum seekers saga and other crucial issues’ with noted experts on the Australia-Indonesia relationship. Details here.