AIYA Links: 17 January
This lovely photo of two friends, a Muslim woman and a Catholic nun, captured by filmmaker Lexy Rambadeta in Yogyakarta, has been popular online in Indonesia this week. Hidup Bhinneka Tunggal Ika…
In the news
- The acclaimed and controversial documentary The Act of Killing has been nominated for a Best Documentary Oscar overnight.
- After worries about the Indonesian economy last year, Bank Indonesia is now optimistic about 2014.
- Jakarta’s famous Blue Bird taxi and transport company could be worth up to US$2 Billion as it prepares to go public, reports the FT’s @BenjaminBland.
- The Soeharto family is back in the media business after winning control of MNC TV.
- Green Turtle conservation has had unintended consequences: in some Indonesian waters, turtles are ‘eat[ing] themselves out of house and home’.
- An Ismanto in Inside Indonesia has a great piece about the decline of traditional coffee stalls in Yogya as locals flock to modern cafés.
- Al Jazeera’s @StepVaessen covers the rollout of universal heath insurance in Indonesia.
For your entertainment
- Thanks to BuzzFeed Commmunity user Svanapaper for this: ’10 Incredible Indonesian Bands You Should Listen To’.
- The ABC’s @George_Roberts visits Mal Taman Anggrek to investigate an unlikely Jakarta pastime: ice hockey.
Jobs and opportunities
- Pandai cakap Melayu? Applications to be the Australia-New Zealand rep in the prestigious 2014 Pidato Antarabangsa Bahasa Melayu are now open!
- Check out the Australian Youth Ambassadors for Development (AYAD) opportunities at the AIYA Job Board.