How to Feed a Hungry Planet: Goals for 2050
The world has recently had major problems in feeding its people because it is a hungry planet. Many countries in the world are having difficulties feeding people and dealing with food insecurity.
One of these countries is Indonesia, which has had major problems with a decrease in food production that must be solved as soon as possible. As human growth continues to increase each year, the need to increase food production also rises. Indonesia is a vast archipelago that should be able to produce food by planting, gardening, or farming but the country still attempts to import a lot of its food from abroad. Actually, there are several factors that influence food insecurity in Indonesia such as a bad irrigation in irrigating the field, the quality of the soil decreasing, lack of developing technology and a lack of research in agriculture.
Human growth had increased significantly in the past several years, which has caused the need to increase food production to rise dramatically. The data from FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization) shows the number of human beings to have increased by approximately 805 million people in the world between 2012-2014. Data from PRB (Population Reference Bureau) has the world population at about 7.2 billion in 2014. This is a really amazing increase in human growth. So further development in agriculture is required to meet the demands of this increase in population.
Food needs are increasing every year because of several factors. The first is the decreasing amount of agricultural land as the basis for planting as well as seeds (rice, wheat, soy, etc). The second is the effect of erratic weather conditions causing agricultural products to decrease and the quality of agricultural products are also being diminished such as the effects from droughts or other causes likes floods. The third factor is increasingly polluted environments with waste; pollutants that affect the quality of the soil becoming infertile. In addition, the use of excessive insecticide has decreased soil fertility and lowered durability of the products.
From these factors, we know what it is needed in solving problems in developing all parts of agriculture. Here, we require major actors to help develop new programs. There are three main actors here. The government, scientists as well as the individual and society are all major actors in helping to solve problems in agriculture. Each actor has a main role to help the effort whilst also working alongside the other actors. They cannot do it alone.
The first is government. The government has a main role in solving the problem of feeding people and securing food for 2050. It has a policy in developing Indonesia in the field of agriculture. It needs to offer support in building farming infrastructure such as canal irrigation to help irrigating the fields. The main role of the canal irrigation is to help irrigation from the dam to the field. In fact, in Indonesia the canal irrigation is yet to be fully achieved. The government should also exercise caution in creating new buildings such as apartments, supermarkets and hotels. This will allow the government to add areas for farming so that they will be able to farm or to plant and this will help to increase food production
The second one is science. They have an active role to develop the product quality to be better. We know that the quality of products have been decreasing because of insecticide abuse. The use of insecticides will give the negative effect of the result of the product and decrease the fertility of the ground. The insecticides include chemicals so it is not good for farming. The scientists can try to recycle the things that do not have a cost value such as leftovers, the plant, vegetables or something that can be recycled. Thus they can something new which can improve the quality of agriculture product such as making compost to reduce the use of insecticide, the use of bottles to change using more places for farming or planting.
The last one is society. The role here is really important; as it is as a society we can take action to develop the field of agriculture. The main actors are farmers. Farmers act within the farming and gardening field. They can increase the agricultural product by planting. On the other hand, they also have a problem in increasing the agricultural product such as decreased in farming land or rice fields. They cannot plant or farm products such as rice, corn or the whole grain to fulfill the needs of people if there is a decreased area for planting.
The three main actors here should work together to achieve the purpose of increasing and developing agriculture products. We know that our world in 2050 will have problems in feeding hungry people. So we must look to solve these problems. When we work together, we will come up with a good solution.