AIYA Links: 6 October
In the news
- The Australia-Indonesia Centre Indonesia Director Kevin Evans calls for a “revolusi mental” on cooperatives or koperasi to promote its role in driving economic growth.
- Humanitarian specialists from Australia and Indonesia are working together in Bangladesh on crisis response in the area around Coxs Bazar to deliver assistance.
- Trade delegates from Indonesia and Australia met this week to discuss crucial points in the negotiation rounds of the Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (IA-CEPA).
- It is only recently that one could easily find a decent cuppa in Jakarta, and it is a wake-up call for Australian businesses to expand and join the thriving coffee scene. Check out the Australian’s latest story on the growing trend and recommendations of cafes in town.
- ABC’s Samantha Hawley visited the twin village, where twelve sets of twins live within 6,000 square metres and ten of which are identical.
On the blog
- When we talk about inequality, it harms all parts of the society, including the middle and upper class. Sudirman Nasir from Universitas Hasanuddin explores the gap and effect inequality has on the health and happiness on Indonesian citizens (originally published on The Conversation).
- Sydney, 6 October – Catch the closing movie today at Indonesian Horror Week hosted by University of Sydney’s Department of Indonesian Studies!
- Sydney, 10 October – Sydney Ideas with the Sydney Southeast Asia Centre, and the Centre for Asian and Pacific Law present Fighting Corruption in Indonesia: current issues, challenges and prospects with Professor Todung Mulya Lubis, Dr Laode Syarif of KPK, and Professor Simon Butt.
- Perth, 14 October – Come to the biggest Indonesian cultural event in WA, Kreasi Indonesia – the Spirit of Garuda where you can enjoy tasty Indonesian food, music, dance, and musical drama!
- Melbourne, Yogyakarta, Adelaide, Jakarta, Denpasar, Brisbane, Darwin, Sydney, 27 September – 7 November – Don’t miss out the upcoming ReelOzInd’s Australia – Indonesia Short Film Festival screenings in select cities across Australia and Indonesia.
- DEADLINE EXTENDED: Good news, you can still prepare your application to be part of AIYA National this weekend, as applications for National President, Director of Operations and Director of Partnerships and Membership have been extended to midnight on Monday, 9 October.
- Also, AIYA National is looking for a National Finance Officer! Check out the role description here and apply before 22 October 2017.
- Festival Cerita Jakarta’s Postcard Exchange program looking for postcard pals from Australia. Read more about the program here and email [email protected] to sign up for the program.
- The Australia ASEAN Emerging Leaders Program (A2ELP) is a three-month leadership program for 15 social entrepreneurs from ASEAN and Australia. The selection committee is currently accepting applications for the 2018 intake.
- Are you interested in studying in Bandung in January 2018? Check out IndoAustay’s Adult Immersion Course to find out more about how you can participate in the program.
- Do you know anyone who has made significant contributions to Indonesians and Australian communities? Australia Indonesia Awards are accepting nominations on food, fashion/leisure, and research until 31 October.
- WEA will be offering Bahasa Indonesia Beginners Courses, best for students with no previous knowledge of the language and who wish to learn the language for business travel or everyday use. Courses commence 9 October.
- Learning a language? Get Indonesian & English language help with UniBRIDGE Project.
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