Welcome back to Member Spotlight where we introduce you to the personalities behind AIYA. This week, we introduce you to our AIYA’s Graphic Designer!
What is your occupation/What do you study?I am a student architect – the in-between occupation after undergraduate but before postgraduate. Fun fact you would like to share with us?I play classical guitar and I’m an Indonesian born but have an Australian accent Bahasa! What made you so interested in Australia/Indonesia?I moved to Australia when I was 9 and have been living in Sydney in the past 12 years. I never realised how Australian I became to be and never fully embrace my Indonesian roots and culture. I went back and travelled recently to Indonesia and realised that I am part of this bridge between being both Australian and Indonesia. It is exciting to be a part of the bridge between the two countries and see how I can definitely contribute to the understanding of both countries with each other. What is your most memorable culture shock experience?When I was walking around Bali and people thought I was Japanese or Malaysian. When I told them I was born in Jakarta in Bahasa, they have an unconvincing expression on their face! What is your favourite place to visit in Indonesia/Australia?Indonesia: Sanur, Bali.Australia: Marrickville, Sydney. Favourite meal in Indonesia/Australia?Always will be the delicious Beef Rendang! How about your favourite word in Indonesian/English?Indonesian: Galau Do you have a favourite Indonesian/Australian film?Mad Max, Fury Road. How did you first become interested in Indonesia/Australia?Since I realised how much I’ve missed out on my Indonesian culture and now is very keen to get back to it! Any hopes for the bilateral relationship?Dual citizenship in the future (fingers crossed!), but realistically, a better understanding of both Indonesian culture within Australia and vice versa. Both countries are so enriched with their own history and culture, and will definitely need help from one another. In your opinion, how is Youth like yourself take part in shaping Australia-Indonesia relationship?Youths have the power to really voice out, raise awareness and contribute to whatever social or global issues that they are passionate about as we will be the ones that will shape the future of our own cities. Australia and Indonesia will face similar global issues and will need assistance from one another, and as a youth, we do have the power to bring that cultural understanding of both countries to each other. Whether this is through language exchange, having organisations like AIYA, or simply sharing the food of each country to your friends. We are building a better network of knowledge from each country that will potentially help in developing the relationship between Australia and Indonesia. What was getting involved with AIYA like?It’s been fun!I’ve been doing the graphic design aspect of the organisation from mid 2018 and it has been a rewarding experience; knowing that I have contributed to the development of an organisation. What do you like most about AIYA?Meeting other youths who are passionate about both Indonesia an Australia is a rare opportunity; so AIYA has definitely nailed that aspect! Sum up your experience as an AIYA member in three words!Rewarding, challenging & keren! How can we learn more and connect with you?Follow me at Instagram: nia___dj or shoot me an email at [email protected] Terima Kasih Vania for sharing with us your passions and insights into your personal experience. Stay tuned for AIYA Blog Updates for the upcoming personas under Member Spotlight!