Ramadhan Healthy Tips When Fasting A La AIYA
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Fasting in the month of Ramadan brings many positive effects if carried out properly. In addition to bringing peace, fasting will also make the body stay healthy and fit. Fasting is also claimed to be a detoxification process that is good for the body. Well, in this time the AIYA National team will share some tips so that you can stay in shape while fasting, which is summarized from various sources. Let’s go:
Eat on time and have adequate portions
For those of you who are fasting you should immediately break the fast when it’s time and do not not eat at dawn. You should also pay attention to the amount of food consumed when dawn and breaking. Excessive food consumption will result in stomach cramps or diarrhea. It’s best not to consume foods with high acid content or too spicy when breaking the fast because it will trigger an increase in stomach acid which causes nausea.
Reduce consumption of sweet foods
Eating foods with high sugar content is not good for health and the fasting process itself. Most sugar and sweet foods or drinks will actually cause hunger that is too fast. In addition, eating sweet foods at dawn will make the body feel weak during the day. According to halodoc.com this is because sugar only provides a lot of energy when breaking the fast until midnight. If it’s time for dawn and fasting, you will feel very weak, sleepy, dizzy, and even have a fast-changing mood.
Drink plenty of water
Carrying out fasting in hot weather is a challenge. Consuming enough water before fasting is one way to keep you from dehydration. Perform a 2-2-2-2 pattern during fasting, namely 2 cups when breaking, 2 cups when tarawih, 2 cups when going to sleep and 2 cups when dawn. While avoiding coffee when dawn because of the caffeine content in coffee will make you feel excessive thirst when fasting.
Yes, exercise. During fasting you can still exercise, but it needs to be interpreted is the type of exercise that is done up to the intensity of the exercise. It is recommended to exercise lightly for 30 minutes before or after breaking the fast so that the energy stays balanced and will not consume too much body energy.
Enough sleep
Fasting sometimes causes the body to feel tired more quickly. Well, make sure you sleep in a regular pattern and don’t overdo it. Set your sleep time properly so that the needs of 6 to 8 hours per day are met. By adjusting the hours of sleep like this you will avoid pain, stress, mood swings and can be more focused. Sleep can also be a great source of energy when you are fasting.
Well, here are five tips from the AIYA National team about some things you can do to make Ramadan fasting go well. The key is to always pay attention to what you consume before and after fasting. It is important to always prioritize foods that are rich in fiber, vitamins and contain natural sugars such as vegetables and fruits that will help you be full longer. Oh yes, if you feel your lips start to dry when fasting it is recommended not to wet it with spit because it will actually make your lips dry. Use lip balm or lip balm.
Happy fasting for those of you who are celebrating, yeah. May the fast be a blessing!
Cleveland Clinic. Accessed 2020. 5 Tips for Fasting the Healthy Way.
Live Strong. Accessed 2020. Foods to Eat After Breaking a Fast.
Healthline. Accessed in 2020. How to Fast Safely: 10 Helpful Tips.