AIYA Links: 4 September
Andrea Star Reese, award-winning photojournalist, uses her skills to advocate for change; engaging both government and society. She reflects on a decade of documenting the fate of individuals with psychosocial disabilities in Indonesia.
In the news
- As Bali has postponed its plans to reopen to international visitors until the end of the year at least. The decision has sparked a ‘cultural shift’ in an island that relies primarily on international tourism. (ABC News)
- While many scientists are intensively researching COVID-19, Australian research takes aim at another killer virus – dengue. The team of researchers are teaming up with Indonesian philanthropists to strike a blow against dengue fever. (Australian Financial Review)
- Sebagai salah satu artis Indonesia yang berhasil menembus kancah internasional, ekspos media terhadap Rich Brian tidak main-main. Wawancara dengan Najwa Shihab ini memudahkan penggemarnya untuk mengetahui berbagai sisi lain dari sosok Brian. (Narasi)
- Australia is facing its worst economic downturn since the Great Depression. It needs visionary, long-term thinking if it is to emerge from this shock and set itself up for the decades ahead. Should Australia finally get serious about building a relationship with Indonesia, a country predicted to be among the world’s top four economies within 30 years? (The Interpreter)
- Indonesia has many dialects across its archipelago. One of them is bahasa Kupang! Do you know any words or phrases in bahasa Kupang? You can practice with this challenge bahasa Kupang untuk orang Australia. (UniBRIDGE)
On the Blog
- 1 September – Why don’t more Indonesians drink? A look inside Indonesia’s love-hate relationship with alcohol. In this week’s blog, Fahry explains why Indonesians simply don’t have a tongue for alcoholic drinks. Find out why here.
- Every Sunday (13:00 WIB/4pm AEST) – Online or ‘Flexible’ Language Exchange (FLEX) runs in partnership with our friends from the UniBRIDGE Project. FLEX is the place where young Australians and Indonesians can meet to exchange ideas, make friends and practise their language skills. Join and be a part of this growing online movement between our two nations. Current AIYA members can register their FLEX account at: If you are not yet an AIYA member or need to renew your membership you can do so on the website.
- 5 September – Are you interested in joining AIYA Jakarta? Join the team at AIYA Jakarta’s AGM! The event will take place online on Zoom, so whether you are in Jakarta on the day or not, you can join!
- 7 September – AIYA NSW is holding this year’s AGM virtually. It will provide a chance for all AIYA members to catch-up on what’s been happening at the Chapter and you can apply for vacant committee positions. RSVP here.
- 7 September – Dr Michael Fullilove will host a conversation with The Lowy Institute’s Ben Bland regarding his new book, ‘A Man of Contradictions: Joko Widodo and the Struggle to Remake Indonesia’, the first English-language biography of Indonesian President Joko Widodo. Register here.
- 7-10 September – As COVID-19 has wreaked havoc everywhere and shows no signs of entirely abating, how will this affect Indonesia? Join ANU Indonesia Project’s Webinar conferences on ‘Economic dimensions of COVID-19 in Indonesia: responding to the crisis.’ Register here.
- 8 September – Be sure to join Griffith University for a session on ‘Exploring Asia – Starting your career in the Asia-Pacific’ with guest speakers Rob Malicki and Elise Giles. Register here.
- 12 September – Festival Indonesia will conduct a virtual festival! Enjoy everything you love about Indonesia in your own convenient space. The event will include cultural showcases, music performances, virtual culinary stalls, giveaways and many more. More info here.
- Suara Indonesia Dance are hosting online Indonesian dance classes via zoom. They’re held on Friday nights between 6:30pm – 7:30pm AEST. All ages and levels welcome. Read more and book via paypal here.
- Kremes Podcast provides lovers of Australia and Indonesia with a chance to listen to a range of Aus-Indo topics from casual chats about our shared cross-cultural experiences to more informative discussions like tips on living/studying/working in Australia. Listen here.
- Indonesia Project Global Seminar – ANU’s Indonesia Project is bringing you a weekly series of seminars on COVID-19 right to your living room. Join in for live discussions, or surf through the archives of previous seminars here.
COVID-19 support
- The Directorate General of Immigration in Indonesia has announced some changes for Foreign Visitors in Indonesia regarding visas, stay permits, emergency stay permits, and entering/exiting Indonesia during this new normal. The Australian Embassy in Jakarta has highlighted such changes in their social media as well as on the Smart Traveller website. Please follow information on the Indonesian immigration website or social media for further updates.
- The Australian Government has restricted its citizens from leaving Australia without exemption, and returning travellers to Australia are encouraged to plan their travels in advance. Access exemption applications and more official info here.
- If you are an Australian citizen outside of Australia in urgent need of financial assistance, the government will provide additional support through an expanded hardship program. Further details here.
- AIYA is providing updates on the status of COVID-19 and its impact on upcoming AIYA events as well as the current status of travel restrictions for Australian and Indonesian citizens. To keep updated, read it here – bahasa Indonesia and English. AIYA is also aware that some of our members may be going through difficulties due to the circumstances of the pandemic. Government information including support for international students in Australia and Indonesia is on the website.
- Applications for the National Australia Indonesia Language Awards (NAILA) 2020 Competition are open NOW! This year’s theme is HEALTH! Check out their website for more information regarding dates & categories! Entries close 14 September. Apply now!
- The ASEAN-German Energy Programme (AGEP) is looking for an intern from September 2020 for up to 6 months. This opportunity is open to ASEAN nationals who are either currently enrolled in a university degree or graduated less than a year ago. Applications close on 7 September 2020. Apply here.
- Cardno International Development is looking for someone to join the Australia-Indonesia Partnership for Justice Phase 2 (AIPJ2) team as a Lead Consultant for Policy Development and Advocacy in Aceh to provide technical assistance to the Aceh Government. Apply here before 9 September 2020.
- Sana-Sini is looking for a volunteer Operations Officer, this opportunity is suited to someone who is keen to apply their data-oriented, analytical, and process-driven skill set in a creative environment. Applications close on 10 September 2020. Read more here.
- The University of Sydney has research grants to support engagement with Southeast Asia. Applications for the special COVID-19 Grant Scheme will be open from 11 September. Click here for more information on the available grants.
- Join AASYP Reset – a virtual innovation challenge inviting recent graduates, current university students and young professionals of all disciplines across ASEAN and Australia to collaborate on projects that foster stronger people to people connections between youth in our region. Register before 13 September 2020.
- The Australian Embassy is pleased to announce a call for project proposals under the Alumni Grant Scheme (AGS). The AGS offers seed funding, on a competitive basis, for initiatives that create impact in your professional field, organisation and community. Applications close 14 September. Read more here.
- Asia Pacific Week applications are now open! The 2020 conference, themed ‘When Oceans Rise,’ will discuss emerging voices and hidden perspectives within the region. If you are a current university student, or have graduated within the past 2 years, you can apply to join a virtual webinar to hear from peak experts and engage in thought-provoking panels, debates, simulations and workshops. Applications close 18 September. More info here.
- Barrett Casting is looking for an Indonesian man in his late 20s – early 30s to play a role in a feature film called ‘Ticket to Paradise’. Applicants can be based in Australia or Indonesia, they don’t need acting experience, but must be bilingual. Apply by 20 September. More in here.
- The ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE) is pleased to announce the 1st ASEAN Energy Youth Award in recognition of young educators’ valuable contribution to nation-building, sustainable development and energy transition. The award is open to ASEAN young educators and enrolled students. Applications close 25 September. More info here.
- Balai Bahasa Indonesia Perth is seeing young Indonesians to work as Indonesian language assistants and ambassadors for Indonesia in Indonesian language classes in public schools. Application closes 25 September. More info here.
- ISEAS – Yusof Ishak Institute invites outstanding Southeast Asian postdoctoral or eligible PhD candidates undertaking research on ASEAN and Southeast Asia to apply for the ASEAN Graduate Fellowship at ASEAN Studies Centre. Applications close 30 September. More info here.
- ACICIS has created Virtual Internships in Indonesia 2021! Students have the opportunity to develop professional skills & networks in Indonesia from the comfort of home. Eligible students can apply before 1 October to receive $3000 New Colombo mobility grants. More info here.
- Scholarships are available from the Chulabhorn Graduate Institute and ASEAN Foundation Joint Post-graduate Scholarship Programme in Science and Technology. The scholarships are available for ASEAN nationals (except Thai) who are interested in pursuing masters at Chulabhorn Graduate Institute. Send your application before 30 October 2020. More info here.
- Have you got some stories to share about Southeast Asia? Pitch an idea to The Sydney Southeast Asia Centre. SSEAC is looking for a breadth of disciplinary focus including history, law, political science, agriculture, medicine, among others. For more info click here.
- Inside Indonesia publishes original pieces on a wide range of political, social, environmental and cultural issues in Indonesia. They accept articles from a diverse range of people who have an interest in Indonesia. To find out how to contribute, click here.
Like what we do? Want to join or support your local chapter to contribute to our exciting activities? Sign up as an AIYA member today!