AIYA Links: 20 August
Indonesian Icons: The enduring power of ‘Indonesia Raya’
What is it about “Indonesia Raya” that evokes such overwhelming emotion? Are Indonesians simply wired to be moved by the song at birth?
In the News
- Bali was our playground. Now Fortress Australia has turned its back on Indonesia. Closer ties didn’t just mean more trade deals and not rocking the boat on politically sensitive matters – it was a person-to-person thing. It meant Australians visiting, knowing, understanding and perhaps even loving another country. (The Guardian)
- Dari Pakai Batik ke Kantor Hingga Menjadi Jembatan Sains, Inilah Tiga Saintis Perempuan Indonesia di Australia. Sejumlah saintis perempuan asal Indonesia telah menunjukkan kemampuan mereka dalam berkiprah di sejumlah Lembaga ternama Australia. (ABC Indonesian)
- Special repatriation flight takes Australians home from Bali. More than a hundred Australian citizens left the Indonesian tourist island of Bali on Wednesday aboard a special repatriation flight organized by the Australian government. (AP)
- How Indonesian young creative workers in Yogyakarta stay productive amid the pandemic. The pandemic has battered the arts and culture sector in Indonesia. Many producers and organizers have been forced to cancel events, concerts and movie releases. (The Conversation AU)
On the Blog
- AIYA has an in-house Poet! Read Christopher Sukarno’s – The Poet of AIYA – Poems for Indonesia
- AIYA Indigenous Engagement Events! Kumpul, AIYA’s Indigenous Engagement Committee have worked to construct and host some events in celebration:
- First Nations Book Club has its inaugural launch this year, it promotes the importance of incorporating Indigenous perspectives into the work we do in building the Australia-Indonesia relationship. Meet bi-monthly to read a diverse range of books by Indigenous Australian authors. Sign-up here.
- JOIN AIYA ON DISCORD! AIYA would like to cordially invite you to join our new Discord, an online group-chatting platform. We will be using Discord a digital hub for AIYA activities including:
- FLEX – our online language exchange is on Discord and open to anyone with any level of Indonesian and English
- Games nights – AIYA will be hosting casual and impromptu gatherings on Discord
- Ngobrol santai – any AIYA member will be able to join and chat with other members whenever you want.
- Our next online language exchange will be on the 5th September
- JOIN AIYA IN-PERSON LANGUAGE EXCHANGE! LX is back in multiple locations across Australia. Connect, chill, and converse with like-minded youth, meet new friends and engage in cross-cultural exchange. In-person language exchange is on:
- WA: Every second Wednesday, 6pm, Old Shanghai Northbridge. Follow @aiya_wa on Instagram or Facebook for more info.
- 21 August Come practice your Indonesian or English with AIYA Jawa Barat by joining their online language exchange. Register here.
- 24 August Join AIYA Victoria for their Basa Basi Event: the role of the Aus-Indo relationship in climate resilience & disaster mitigation! Register here.
- 26 August The University of Sydney is hosting a webinar on ‘The Precarious Past: Historical Practices in Premodern Java’ at 5pm AEST. Join Dr Wayan Jarrah Sastrawan as he steps back into the past to explore how the premodern Javanese recorded history. Sign up here.
- 27 August Asialink is hosting a talk “The Rise of Women in Diplomacy” to unpack the challenges faced by Australian women in international diplomacy and public service. Sue Boyd, one of only four female Australian ambassadors in the world, will be presenting at 10:45am-12pm AEST in Sydney Myer Asia Centre, UniMelb. Register here.
- 7-9 September RDI UREF x SUAKAis inviting you to join the Forced Displacement & Urban Management Conference. The Conference focuses on the theme of Right of the City, Space and Place, and Beyond Resettlement. More details here.
- 15 September Indonesia Update. In sickness and in health: diagnosing Indonesia. Join the conference which examines the extent to which Indonesia’s health system has succeeded in dealing with the many challenges it faces (ANU Project). Register here
- 29 September ‘Citizens of the World: Indonesian Studies in Australia’ is an international conference (webinar) hosted by Melbourne University that will bring together Language, Culture and Area Studies experts and the broader Indonesia and Southeast Asia-interested community. Together, they will engage in a critical dialogue about past, current and future directions in Indonesian studies. Register here.
- 30 September IS4 Webinar | Is there Indonesian history before 1945? Unconnected histories, and the (near) absence of postcolonial concerns. Register here
- AIMEP is fundraising to provide emergency relief to Indonesians impacted by COVID. Oxygen tanks, self-isolation support, and burial funds are desperately needed. Donate here.
- Academics in Australia are supporting Indonesia’s COVID-19 response alongside PPNI JaTim and WeCare. Donate to provide support for nurses and their families fighting COVID-19 here.
- Bali Beat was established in March 2020, The Bali Beat gathers together the biggest news and each day’s COVID-19 data on the Island of the Gods Subscribe. Follow Bali’s latest articles here.
- NAILA 2021 Speech Competition is receiving submissions. With the theme ‘Travel’ or ‘Bepergian’ with 7 categories open to anyone from primary school all the way to professionals. Make sure to submit your application by 31 August. More info here.
- AIYA has openings for a Treasurer, Social Media Officers, Content Translators, Editors (Annual Report & Newsletter – Links) , Communications Coordinators, and the 2022 Kongres Convenors. Join the dynamic National Team! Apply by 1st of September. Position descriptions here.
- The Indonesian Consulate General – Sydney has opened applications for a Virtual Indonesian Art and Culture Scholarship. View the opportunity here. Apply before the 1st of September.
- SPARK Deakin Melbourne – Bandung Innovation Series is hosting a pitch competition. Pitch your solution on inclusive entrepreneurship, resilience innovations, creative approaches to tourism, or public health innovation. Submit your ideas by 1 September here and get the chance to win cash prizes!
- AIYEP (Australia Indonesia Youth Exchange Program) 2021 is receiving applications from Australian youth aged between 21-25 years. Managed by DFAT and Value Learning, AIYEP combines online learning; a business internship, language skills, access to Australian-Indonesian experts and opportunities to build on your intercultural skills in this comprehensive 7-week program. Send your applications here by 20 September.
- Australia Awards in Indonesia is celebrating the exemplary and diverse contributions of alumni, and are asking you to nominate candidates. View award criteria and make your nominations by 23 September here.
- Asia Society – Melbourne Asia Game Changer. Nominate a Game Changer making a positive difference to Australia’s relationship with Asia. Nominate here.
- ACICIS VirtualPublic Health Study Tour (PHST) is open for registration until 1 October. This two-week intensive program is a unique opportunity for Australian students to hear from leading health professionals, policy-makers and community health workers in Indonesia. Register here for the Summer cohort.
- Do you have a great Indonesia-Australia business development idea that needs connecting and support?Submit your ideas to Katalis through its business portal here. Proposals can be submitted all year, and will be subject to approval from the governments of Indonesia and Australia.
- Lakoat Kujawas is calling for proposals for the art residency program 2021-2022! The community of Taiftob Village, Mollo, NTT is open for collaboration with interdisciplinary artists and food activists. More info here.
- Jakarta Independent Film Festival (JIFF) welcomes submissions from independent filmmakers from around the world for the 2021 Edition. Check out the rules and regulations here.
- Asia Options has two vacant positions; Marketing Specialist and Country Correspondent Roles to join the team. See here for more info.
- Australian Volunteers is temporarily suspending overseas placements but are continuing to support partner organisations through remote volunteering. If you’re interested in volunteering in-country then check-out a range of opportunities here.
- Inside Indonesia publishes original pieces on a wide range of political, social, environmental, and cultural issues in Indonesia. They accept articles from a diverse range of people who have an interest in Indonesia. To find out how to contribute, click here.
Like what we do? Want to join or support your local chapter to contribute to our exciting activities? Sign up as an AIYA member today!