Survey 2021 Team:

Clarice Campbell, Editor

Jaya Pastor-Else-Good, Editor

Ghaby Gunawan, Editor

Hirzi Putra Laksana, Contributor/Editor

Kirby Taylor, Contributor

Dan Trevanion, Contributor/Editor

Arfiana Wardhani, Contributor

Gillian Scott, Editor

What goes well with a cup of coffee in the morning? That’s right. The AIYA Survey of 2021.

Stay on top of all the current news and trends and know what’s going on in the business world of Indonesia-Australia.

As Australia’s closest neighbour, Indonesia plays a pivotal role in economics, trade and business. Thus, it would be beneficial for aspiring Australian youths and business people to learn Indonesian as a second language to open up a window of opportunities.

However, a recent decline in Indonesian studies may be the beginning of the end.

Read more about it in our AIYA Survey 2021.

Also related: The importance of the Indonesian Language by Lotte Troost – AIYA National Blog Editor:

From affixes to idioms and loanwords: a linguistic view on the benefits of learning Bahasa Indonesia for your career