AIYA Links: 09 October 2023
Sebagai wujud dari preservasi warisan budaya bangsa, Kementerian BUMN mempersembahkan Istana Berbatik yang dilaksanakan di kawasan Istana Merdeka, Jakarta. (Republika)
In the News
- TikTok ends its retail business in Indonesia after the Indonesian government announced the new regulation banning e-commerce transactions on social media platforms. (ABC News)
- Australia offers $17m payout to more than 120 Indonesians Indonesian children jailed as adults. (BBC News)
- Indonesia launched its first carbon exchange market. As background, Indonesia has enacted a number of legislation regarding carbon trading in Indonesia. (Norton Rose Fulbright)
- The Indonesian Navy’s Hydro-Oceanographic Center (Pushidrosal) and the Australian Navy (RAN) are conducting a two-month joint survey of the seabed in the Timor Sea border area. (ANTARA News)
- Dampak dari tingginya angka penyalahgunaan visa perlindungan, Australia mulai melakukan tindakan tegas untuk mengembalikan integrasi dalam sistem proses penerbitan visa. (Detik News)
- Momentum Piala Dunia 2034 bisa menjadi kesempatan bagus bagi Indonesia untuk mengajukan diri sebagai tuan rumah bersama Australia. (CNN Indonesia)
- The Consulate-General in Bali announced the appointment of Jo Stevens as Australia’s next Consul-General in Bali. (Australia Foreign Affair Minister)
- Australia has recorded its driest ever September on record, according to the Bureau of Meteorology’s latest drought report. (
- Endangered Sumatran rhinoceros, the smallest and hairiest species, born in the Indonesian conservation area. (ABC News)
Tune In
- Batik Day (Hari Batik Nasional), which is celebrated on 2 October, is an Indonesian cultural day for celebrating batik – the traditional cloth of Indonesia. Amidst many and various batik traders, how can one survive? Listen to Sri Dean’s interview on the occasion of National Batik Day. (SBS Indonesian)
- AIYA National’s Cultural Diversity Committee! The “Kumpul” Committee, meaning “gathering” in Indonesian, was established to connect with and celebrate the Indigenous cultures of Australia following NAIDOC week 2021. It has now broadened its scope to encapsulate the cultural diversity of both Australia and Indonesia.
- JOIN AIYA ON DISCORD! AIYA would like to cordially invite you to join our Discord, an online group-chatting platform. We will be using Discord a digital hub for AIYA activities including:
- Games nights – AIYA will be hosting casual and impromptu gatherings on Discord
- Ngobrol santai – any AIYA member can join and chat with other members whenever you want.
- JOIN AIYA FLEX – our online language exchange is open to anyone with any level of Indonesian and English! It is held monthly on the first Sunday of the month at 1pm WIB/4pm AEST. Join FLEX here.
- JOIN AIYA LANGUAGE EXCHANGE (IN-PERSON or ONLINE!) LX is back in multiple locations across Australia. Connect, chill, and converse with like-minded youth, meet new friends and engage in cross-cultural exchange. In-person language exchange is on:
- NSW: Every Thursday, 6:30pm, alternating between in-person and online on Zoom. Follow @aiya_nsw on Instagram or Facebook for more info or find the schedule here.
- VIC: Every Wednesday, 6pm, Kathleen Syme Library and Community Centre. Follow @aiya_victoria on Instagram or Facebook for more info.
- YOGYA: Biweekly on Mondays, 7pm, Lokio Cafe. Follow @aiya.yogyakarta on Instagram or Facebook for more info.
- Join AIYA ACT’s weekly Gamelan classes every Monday, 6-8pm, in the ANU School of Music, Room 680!
- AIYA Yogyakarta is organising a session-talk the “Language Exchange #3” in Seven Stones Rainforest Coffee on 10 Oct at 4pm. Join and have a cup of coffee with us!
- Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, in collaboration with the Embassy of Indonesia in Australia, will hold a training for Foreign Learners of Bahasa Indonesia with the theme “Local Wisdom-Based Instruction in Indonesian for Foreign Learners (BIPA),” on 28-29 October, starts from 9 o’clock each day, by hybrid from Embassy of Indonesia for Australia in Canberra. BIPA trainers and teachers are encouraged to participate, by registering here.
- The 8th ANNUAL Australia Indonesia Short Film Festival 2023, theme: Quest / Pencarian premieres on 19 Oct in Melbourne at ACMI and Yogyakarta at STMM MMTC. View the trailer here. Please share it with your friends!
- Indonesia Australia Business Council is holding a conference from 7-9 November 2023. in Grand Hyatt hotel Jakarta. Register here.
- Australia Awards Indonesia is organising a youth alumni event named “the Gig on the Green” on 14 Oct with performances by Tompi, Scaller, and the Australian musical group Germein. Make sure to RSVP here before 11 October at 11:59 PM.
- Sydney Southeast Asia Centre – University of Sydney is holding the SSEAC roundtable discussion with Professor David Cohen (Stanford University) on 23 Oct. Attend in-person the event and grab your free admission. Professor David Cohen is a leading expert in the fields of human rights, international law and transitional justice, as well as one of the world’s leading social and legal historians of ancient Greece. Apply here.

- AIYA Blog accepts open and roll submissions from Indonesians and Australians about anything to do with the bilateral relationship?
- Share with us your story of any study exchange or working holiday in Australia, fun facts about Bahasa Indonesia or English, review a book, a movie, a TV show or another piece of media related to Indonesian or Australian culture, policy and law developments between the two countries that you want to explore with an engaged audience of AIYA Blog readers.
- Maybe you have an idea but you’re not sure how to write it? You can also pitch ideas to our blog editors and they will workshop your article with you!
- Please email your submission to [email protected] and one of our amazing editors will work with you to get your work published on the AIYA Blog.
- Submissions are open in both English and Bahasa Indonesia.
- Nominations are officially open for the 2023 Australia-Indonesia Institute’s Indonesian Studies Awards! Let’s celebrate the incredible educators and researchers in Australia who’ve strengthened the bonds between our nations. Know someone making a difference in Indonesian studies? Nominate them now! 🙌🏼
- Applications are now open for the 2023 Herb Feith Centre Fellowship, a program designed to assist doctoral students and postdoctoral scholars with the publication of their research in relation to social justice in Indonesia. Apply here by 15 October.
- The Australia-Indonesia Institute Annual Grants Round 2023-24 is now open for applications. Enquire here by 19 October.
- ACICIS is now hiring a Liaison Officer for ACICIS Professional Practicum Programs in Jakarta. Apply now here, until 15 October.
- ACICIS is hosting another Bahasa Sesh Challenge where you can win one free Indonesian Language Short Course, valued at over $3000! The challenge will be open from 1 to 26 October 2023. Click here for more info.
- The Center for Indonesian Policy Studies is opening a vacancy in the design graphics position. Submit here no later than 9 Oct.
- Victoria State Government is holding the Language Assistants Program (LAP) 2024. LAP 2024 places up to 37 language assistants in selected Victorian government schools from Terms 2 to 4 each year to enrich their languages programs. Submit your application here before 17 Oct.
- The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) is looking for a Senior Policy Manager, Digital position in Jakarta, Indonesia. The Senior Policy Manager has a critical role in providing advice and research, as well as project support to the Ambassador and all A-Based members of the Economic and Trade section on issues related to Indonesia’s digital economy and other economic issues relevant to the bilateral relationship as required. Apply here before 15 October at 11.30pm (Jakarta Time).
- DFAT is seeking for Public Diplomacy Officer position placement in The Australian Consulate-General in Surabaya (ACGS), Indonesia. For those who mastering in media and public diplomacy activities, submit your application here no later than 17 Oct at 11.30pm (Jakarta Time)
- DFAT has established the Emerging Markets Impact Investment Fund (EMIIF) which seeks to support development ideas across the Indo-Pacific region. If you have a bright development idea consider applying for support here.
- Australian Volunteers is temporarily suspending overseas placements but are continuing to support partner organisations through remote volunteering. If you’re interested in volunteering in-country then check-out a range of opportunities here.
- Do you have a great Indonesia-Australia business development idea that needs connecting and support? Submit your ideas to Katalis through its business portal here. Proposals can be submitted all year, and will be subject to approval from the governments of Indonesia and Australia.
- Good Return is seeking for an Indonesia Program Coordinator. Suitable for someone who excels at forming partnerships and is interested in building the financial wellbeing and capability of people in Indonesia. Apply as soon as possible here.
- Inside Indonesia is looking for a reliable volunteer to help with uploading a few articles to the website every couple of weeks. Please send your interest to [email protected]
- The Australian Trade and Investment Commission (Austrade) helps grow Australia’s prosperity by delivering quality trade and investment services to businesses, accelerates growth in Australia’s tourism sector and promotes Australia’s education to the world. Find more available vacancies information here.
- International Internships has opened applications for their Environmental Internships 2024. Interact with key stakeholders, undertake professional visits and more during this 4-week internship. Apply by 7 November here.
- KIAT (Kemitraan Indonesia Australia untuk Infrastruktur) is opening various employment opportunities and current tenders. Find out more here. KIAT works with its government partners across Indonesia to deliver a range of large and small projects to improve access to infrastructure for all Indonesians.
- The Australian Government is receiving applications for the Working Holiday Maker program that allows young adults to have a 12 month holiday, during which they can undertake short-term work and study. More info here.
- The Australian National University is offering a course on introduction to Indonesia’s economy and policy environment. This is a chance to learn from world experts on the Indonesian economy in a two-day intensive course. More info here.
- The Jakarta Bintangs is an Australian Football Club with membership open to anyone, beginners are most welcome. The club organises games throughout the year, mostly in Jakarta, with occasional games across Indonesia and overseas. Tours are planned to Bali, Batam, Vietnam and Thailand this year. Training is mostly held at Lapangan Bola Aldiron in Jakarta on Saturday or Sunday afternoons. On occasion, training sessions are also held Thursday nights in the GBK complex. To keep up to date with the training schedule follow them on Instagram @jakartabintangs, or contact Han on 081119337855. For more information click here
Like what we do? Want to join or support your local chapter to contribute to our exciting activities? Sign up as an AIYA member today!