AIYA Links: 11 March
Get published in AIYA Annual 2024! ― We’re accepting a range of submissions this year including news articles, short stories, and photo essays but feel free to get creative! Submissions can be in English or Bahasa Indonesia with selected pieces to be published in AIYA Annual.
In the News
- The ASEAN-Australia relationship needs a jolt of youthful leadership that could focus on analytically driven and commercially oriented ways to bring Australia and Southeast Asia even closer together. We should be looking for other ways to foster talent mobility between Australia and the ASEAN members. (The Conversation)
- Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi) melakukan pertemuan bilateral dengan Perdana Menteri Australia Anthony Albanese di Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre (MCEC), Melbourne, Australia, Selasa (5/3/2024) untuk memperkuat komitmen kedua negara dan kerja sama strategis di kawasan Indo-Pasifik. (CNBC Indonesia)
- In the second session of the ASEAN-Australia summit, Jokowi emphasised the importance of respecting international law for ASEAN members and Australia, and also said he wanted Australian entrepreneurs to participate in building an electric car ecosystem in Southeast Asia. (Tempo)
- Deakin University Australia dan Lancaster University Inggris akan membuka kampus luar negeri pertama mereka di Bandung, Jawa Barat. Kampus ini juga akan menjadi kampus gabungan Australia dan Inggris yang pertama di luar negeri. (Kedubes Australia-Indonesia)
On the Blog
- Spotlight on Hani Nusantari: An Inspiring Woman Contributing to the Australia-Indonesia Relationship – In the lead-up to International Women’s Day, this piece celebrates Hani Nusantari, an inspiring leader promoting marine conservation and education in rural Indonesia and Australia. Bu Hani is the co-CEO of the JARI Foundation, a local marine conservation non-governmental organisation (NGO) based in Lombok, Indonesia. (AIYA Blog)
Tune in
- The ABR – The story behind Indonesia’s twentieth-century literary masterpiece, the Buru Quartet, a set of novels that began life in a jail cell. The Buru novels were written by Indonesian author Pramoedya Ananta Toer, widely considered a potential winner of the Nobel Prize.
- Talking Indonesia – Prabowo has exceeded expectations to claim victory in 2024 Indonesian presidential election. What were the most interesting aspects of the campaign behind Prabowo’s success? In this episode of Talking Indonesia co-host Jemma Purdey, Kramer, Jacqui Baker and Tito Ambyo get together to chat about the election result, their analysis, plus their hopes and fears for the future of Indonesia democracy in 2023.
- JOIN AIYA FLEX – our online language exchange is open to anyone with any level of Indonesian and English! It is held monthly on the first Sunday of the month at 12pm WIB/4pm AEDT. Join FLEX here.
- JOIN AIYA LANGUAGE EXCHANGE (IN-PERSON or ONLINE!) LX is back in multiple locations across Australia. Connect, chill, and converse with like-minded youth, meet new friends and engage in cross-cultural exchange. Make sure to follow your local chapter on Instagram for updates on the next LX event near you!
- NSW – Thursday at 6.30pm weekly at Darling Square.
- VIC – Wednesday at 6-7pm at the Kathleen Syme Library and Community Centre.
- AIYA ACT hosts Weekly Gamelan classes every Monday, 6-8pm, at the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia!
- Want to gain hands-on experience working in roles & projects within your career field? International Internships is helding the virtual information session on March 12, 6pm AEDT. Register here and further details click here.
- Australia Indonesia Business Council (AIBC) NSW is thrilled to invite you to celebrate International Women’s Day. This year, to empower women’s economic participation, the theme is Count Her In: Invest in Women. The event will be on 13 Mar at 5.30pm AEDT. Accelerate Progress. For AIBC Members Free and Non-Members cost $20. Secure your availability here.
- AIBC is hosting a webinar on “Indonesia’s Election Results – what it means for business”. The webinar will be held on 14 Mar at 4pm AEDT. Register here.
- Bali Spirit Festival has become a major crowd puller thus strengthening cultural vibrancy, and overall vitality of Bali and greater Indonesia. The 4-day mega event will begin from 1 May and will end on 5 May, 2024. So if you are looking for Classical Hatha Yoga, traditional Javanese dance and more, then Bali Spirit Festival is the perfect place for you. Book your ticket ASAP here and check the terms and conditions here for further details.

- AIYA Annual accepts a range of submissions this year including news articles, short stories, and photo essays but feel free to get creative!
- Please email your submission to [email protected] before 12 April 2024.
- Submissions can be in English or Bahasa Indonesia with selected pieces to be published in AIYA Annual.
- The Indonesia Project is pleased to announce the 2024 Ruth Daroesman Graduate Study Grant and Student Research Travel Grants are now open for applications! Apply before 7 April.
- NAILA has published their 2024 information pack! Take a look at their competition this year, including their sub-questions for each category and prize money here.
- NAVITAS has joined with Deakin University (AU) and Lancaster University (UK) in an innovative partnership to manage and operate a new joint university campus in Indonesia. Check the opportunities and the requirements.
- The International Internships’ ProBuddy program is now open. Want to be a mentor and a friend for an Australian university student so that they can comfortably adjust to life in Indonesia? Don’t miss the chance to grab more benefits and also the certificate on completion of the program. Apply here ASAP.
- ANU study grants:
- The College of Asia and the Pacific has opened applications for the Ruth Daroesman Graduate Study Grants, valued at $6000. Click here for more information and how to apply by 7 April
- The Indonesia Project has three grants available at $3000 each for Student Research Travel. Applications close 7 April here.
- Darmasiswa Indonesian Scholarship for Academic Year 2024/2025 is now open. Australian youths in New South Wales, Queensland, and South Australia can learn the Indonesian language and culture through this scholarship. So, come on and register yourself by 7 April 2024. More details click here.
- Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) is opening various job opportunities
- The Australian National University Indonesia Project is offering a number of grants and fellowships. Find out more about the opportunities: Ruth Daroesman Graduate Study Grant, Student Research Grants, Collaborative Research Grants, and Visiting Fellow Grants.
- Applications for numerous ACICIS Study Indonesia programs are open! Get an enriching study experience in Indonesia with semester-long and short programs. AUD3,000-AUD7,000 New Colombo Plan grants available. More information here.
- The Access Asia Business Grant (AABG) aims to support Western Australian small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and organisations to advance their export and trade in new Asian markets and contribute to WA’s economic diversification. This competitive program provides grants of up to $30,000 to eligible Western Australian SMEs and organisations. Submit your applications here by 15 Mar.
- Pendaftaran Program Kemitraan Sekolah BRIDGE Australia-Indonesia tahun 2024 telah dibuka untuk sekolah-sekolah dan madrasah di 18 provinsi, termasuk Kalimantan Timur, Kalimantan Selatan, Sulawesi Selatan, dan Sulawesi Utara. Program ini memberikan kesempatan untuk menghubungkan sekolah anda dengan sekolah mitra di Australia dan meningkatkan pemahaman lintas budaya antar guru dan siswa. Untuk info selengkapnya, klik link ini.
- Apply for an Australia Awards Scholarship, experience a world-class education and become an agent of change for the development! The groups comprise people with disability, women from disadvantaged backgrounds and individuals from equity target provinces. Applications close on 30 April at 20.59 WIB. Applying is now even easier through a single application form at this link.
- Development Intelligent Lab is looking for Project Assistant. The primary purpose of this position is to support The Lab to implement its programme of activities and assist in the day-to-day running of the organisation. The position will also support the delivery of the Pulse Check project. See here for more details
- Indo Beyond Borders (IBB) is an Indonesian tutoring service, where language learning goes beyond the textbook. Join IBB and embark on an immersive learning experience that’s as dynamic and vibrant as Indonesia itself. Here to check more information
- Asia Education Foundation (AEF) is currently seeking EOI for Australian schools who would like to partner with Indonesian schools through the DFAT-funded 2024 Australia-Indonesia BRIDGE program. Applications open until 17 March 2024 for both IDN and AUS schools. For more information click here.
- Murdoch University is offering a PhD scholarship to an international scholar of exceptional talent to undertake doctoral research that will contribute to further strengthening the links between Australia and Indonesia and to building peace and prosperity in the Indo-Pacific region. It will be hosted by the Indo-Pacific Research Centre (IPRC) and must align with their research priorities. Apply by 31 July here.
- Join Prospera talents community and become a part of a thriving network of professionals like you! Sign up today by dropping your CV here and shape the future with Prospera!
- SKALA internship Round 2 application and selection: June-July, with internship period: September-November. More information here.
- Australia Awards in Indonesia plans to deliver the following short courses by the end of 2024. The course providers will be selected through open tenders (separate tender for each course), except for the repeated courses. The 2-week courses will be delivered in Australia and each course has 1-2 workshops in Indonesia. The opening application dates for each course will be determined in consultation with DFAT. Check the detailed course and availability regularly here.
- ANU is offering a course on introduction to Indonesia’s economy and policy environment. This is a chance to learn from world experts on the Indonesian economy in a two-day intensive course. More info here.
- Australian Volunteers is temporarily suspending overseas placements but are continuing to support partner organisations through remote volunteering. If you’re interested in volunteering in-country then check-out a range of opportunities here.
- DFAT has established the Emerging Markets Impact Investment Fund (EMIIF) which seeks to support development ideas across the Indo-Pacific region. If you have a bright development idea consider applying for support here.
- KIAT (Kemitraan Indonesia Australia untuk Infrastruktur) is opening various employment opportunities and current tenders. Find out here. KIAT works with its government partners across Indonesia to deliver a range of large and small projects to improve access to infrastructure for all Indonesians.
- The Australian Trade and Investment Commission (Austrade) helps grow Australia’s prosperity by delivering quality trade and investment services to businesses, accelerates growth in Australia’s tourism sector and promotes Australia’s education to the world. Find a list of available vacancies here.
- The Australian Government is receiving applications for the Working Holiday Maker program that allows young adults to have a 12 month holiday, during which they can undertake short-term work and study. More info here
- The Jakarta Bintangs is an Australian Football Club with membership open to anyone, beginners are most welcome. The club organises games throughout the year, mostly in Jakarta, with occasional games across Indonesia and overseas. Tours are planned to Bali, Batam, Vietnam and Thailand this year. Training is mostly held at Lapangan Bola Aldiron in Jakarta on Saturday or Sunday afternoons. On occasion, training sessions are also held Thursday nights in the GBK complex. To keep up to date with the training schedule follow them on Instagram @jakartabintangs. For more information click here.
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