Ramadhan Healthy Tips When Fasting A La AIYA
Indonesian version, click here Fasting in the month of Ramadan brings many positive effects if carried out properly. In addition to bringing peace, fasting will also make the body stay […]
The AIYA Blog is a collection of articles created by you, for the people. Join the fastest growing community of young journalists in Indonesia and Australia, where your voice matters. We at the AIYA Blog, are at the forefront of youth-journalism for Indonesians and Australians who would like to share their opinions, insights, and have their voices heard.
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Indonesian version, click here Fasting in the month of Ramadan brings many positive effects if carried out properly. In addition to bringing peace, fasting will also make the body stay […]
Versi bahasa Inggris, klik di sini Puasa di bulan Ramadhan membawa banyak dampak positif jika dilaksanakan dengan benar. Selain membawa ketenangan, puasa juga akan membuat tubuh tetap sehat dan bugar. […]
Indonesian version, click here Covid-19 or corona virus first appeared in China, in December 2019, then spread to more than one hundred countries in the world and infected more than […]
Versi bahasa Inggris, klik di sini Covid-19 atau virus corona muncul pertama kali di Cina, pada Desember 2019, lalu menyebar ke lebih dari seratus negara di dunia dan menginfeksi lebih […]
We know that many people have been shocked by the impact of the Coronavirus and have suddenly found themselves in uncertain situations. Some people have less or no work, are […]
Original post by Monash University A Monash University-led study has shown that an anti-parasitic drug already available around the world can kill the virus within 48 hours. Scientists showed that […]
We know that many people have been shocked by the impact of the Coronavirus and have suddenly found themselves in uncertain situations. Some people have less or no work, are […]
Original post by Monash University Researchers at Monash Business School have created a Global Internet Pressure map that measures the strain COVID-19 is putting on internet infrastructure. Pressure on internet […]
Welcome back to Member Spotlight where we introduce you to the personalities behind AIYA. This week, we introduce you to Event Officer of AIYA Jakarta Chapter, Rebekah Smith! What is […]
Untuk membaca halaman ini dalam bahasa Indonesia, silakan berubah bahasa di sudut kanan atas halaman. To all AIYA members and supporters, Unfortunately due to the current situation regarding the COVID-19 […]